January 31 – February 2 & beyond: What started with a whisper, will end with a bombshell. Take a look inside the Fox News media empire and the woman who brought down its infamous creator during a showing of them film, Bombshell (R), playing at Pentangle Arts’ Woodstock Town Hall Theatre.
February 1 – 2: Unplug and confer with nature’s funniest farm animals when you take part in Winter on the Farm at Billings Farm & Museum! Greet cows, horses, sheep, oxen, and chickens in their cozy spaces, tour the restored 1890 farmhouse, partake in hands-on programs, and more. Click here for details.
9 AM – 8 PM: Holy crepe! There’s a complimentary hot and tasty breakfast with your name on it when you stop by the Skinny Pancake in Quechee during Free Crepe Day!

2 – 4 PM: Then, get into the knitty-gritty with a group that welcomes all ages and skill levels to their yarn-loving crew: the Thursday Knitting Group at the Norman Williams Public Library!
3 – 6 PM: Stop by the Woodstock Farmers’ Market for a free taste of something bubbly, sweet, and local: Corina's Switchy, a modern-take on switchel hailing from nearby Norwich!
3:30 – 5:30 PM: Then, go all in on some technology-free fun when you Play Bridge at Norman Williams.
5:30 – 7:30 PM: Review 2019’s successes and challenges for The Ottauquechee Health Foundation during their Annual Meeting at Billings Farm & Museum. RSVP required, see link for details.
6 – 7 PM: Winter doldrums getting you down? Learn how you can use the power of neuroscience to improve your life when you meet John Randolph, author of The Brain Health Book at The Yankee Bookshop!

7 – 9 PM: Close out your evening with the sweet sound of music during Open Mic Night at Artistree, featuring collaborative jams with friends and neighbors. And best of all? It’s free for all!
4 – 6 PM: ‘Tis the season for warm, toasty mugs full of your favorite drink – or mix it up with a sample of something new thanks to a MOCO: My Organic Cocoa tasting at the Woodstock Farmers’ Market!
6 – 7:30 PM: Middle-schoolers, tinker to your heart’s delight when you craft a light-up card during Montshire Makers: Paper Circuits workshop at the Montshire Museum.
7:30 AM – 12 PM: Prizes, food, and frozen fun await when the kids cast their reels into the 19th Annual Youth Ice Fishing Derby at Dewey’s Mill Pond in Quechee.

It’s a two-for-one (time-slot) special beginning at 9 AM, so pick from:

10 AM – 12 PM: Dig your hands into this round of Family Clay at Artistree where parents and children can sit side by side, hand-crafting their own ceramic masterpieces. See link for details.
11:30 AM – 2 PM: Soup’s on! Get out and warm up when you snowshoe through the snowy woods of Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park to a Saturday Soup Kettle Lunch at the Mt. Tom Cabin.
1 – 3:30 PM: Materials, color, texture, experimental methods are all on the table when you join artist Margaret Dwyer for a demonstration at the Norman Williams Public Library.
4 – 6 PM: Or kick your snowshoe game up a notch when you compete in Suicide Six’s Fifth Annual Snowshoe "Face Race" up the 600-foot black diamond trail – earning prizes, bragging rights, and a post-race party!

7 – 10 PM: End the night on a high note when Ethan Lawrence plays live at the Public House Pub in Quechee with blues, country, R&B, and plenty of soul.
10 AM – 2 PM: There are no mistakes in this art class! Tap into your creativity without any pressure or expectations when you join art educator Annie Moore for an organic, immersive Process Painting class at Artistree. See link for pricing and details.
12 – 2:30 PM: Or if food is your preferred artform, gather round in the Odyssey Events kitchen for the Up-a-Notch Veggies Class in Bridgewater, teaching participants how to prepare beautiful vegetable dishes.
5 PM: Huddle time: watch the 49ers face off against the Chiefs over great eats, drinks, and conversation during the Super Bowl Party at the Public House in Quechee!