Kiss the Cow Farm: Barnard, VT
Kiss the Cow Farm provides Whole Diet CSA which features not only their own products (milk, eggs, ice cream, and chicken, new this year organic vegetables!) but 350 additional products from one hundred local farmers and food producers, including fresh vegetables, meats, dairy, pantry staples, health & beauty aids and more. They're adding new products all the time!
By signing up, you'll be able to enjoy these local foods every week, they continue to have multiple delivery locations to choose from. **Early bird special sign up by April 1st for the Spring CSA and get a 10% discount.
The CSA is easy and convenient, you receive only the food you want on the weeks you want it. Once you set your CSA amount you can use it when you need it and easily skip it if you're out of town. Each week they will send reminders of what is available and in stock.

CSA seasons: Spring and Summer
- CSA structure: Spring: 10 Weeks, April 6 - June 11
- Products: Milk, eggs, ice cream, chicken, veal, maple syrup from Kiss the Cow, plus vegetables, meats, dairy, pantry staples, and more from other local farmers and producers.
- Cost: $19/week, $195 total
- CSA application: Spring 2022
Local Pickup locations: for the full list of surrounding areas click here.
- Barnard, Farm Store at Kiss the Cow Farm, 24/7
- Quechee, Jakes Market, Thursdays 1:00-1:30 pm
- South Woodstock, SoWo Country Store, 11-11:15 am
- White River Junction, Train Station, Fridays 2-2:30 pm, *home delivery to WRJ area 2-4 pm
- Woodstock, The Green, towards the end of the green near Library Fridays 12:30-1:00 pm
- Woodstock, at the Middle School/High School, Thursdays 2:00-2:30 pm, *home delivery to Woodstock area 2:30-4 pm
*New this year, home delivery! Limited spaces available $6 delivery fee
Root 5 Farm: Fairlee, VT
While owners Danielle Allen and Ben Dana both studied at UVM in the 90s—political science and forestry studies, respectively—their paths didn’t cross until 2003. While farming in Intervale, Ben’s unusual hat collection caught Danielle’s eye. The rest, as they say, is history.
After the destruction from Tropical Storm Irene, Danielle and Ben’s search for new farmland culminated in the purchase of Your Farm in 2013, now Root 5 Farm. Today, they’re continuing to farm the 38-acre plot of rich Connecticut River Valley soil, growing over 100 varieties of certified organic vegetables.
CSA seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter
- CSA structure: Spring One Size Share 4 weeks May 10th-June 5th $35/week, $140 total *Pay as you go structure
- Products: Vegetables, with add-on local meat and fruit shares available all supporting local farms.
- CSA application: Spring 2022
- Pickup options and locations: Weekly pickups are available in Woodstock: Ottauquechee Health Center from 1:30-5:30 pm, White River Junction, Quechee, and more – click here for the full list and schedule

Stitchdown Farm: Bethel, VT
A childhood’s worth of fond pastural memories is why Stitchdown Farm and Floristry exist. For owner Rita Champion, horseback riding through hayfields outside Portland, OR, and barn building gave way to working on vegetable operations until meeting her partner, Andrew Plotsky in 2012 and starting Stitchdown together. Arising from the realization that flowers are nourishing—feeding our senses and sometimes even our stomachs—and also undersupplied both locally and sustainably, their flower CSA was born.
CSA (Flower Club) Seasons: Spring and Summer
- CSA Structure: Spring goes from May 5th to June 30th $200 a share. Choose from three pick up locations.
- Local Pick up locations: Bethal Wednesdays at the Farm, White River Junction Wednesday at Juel, and Woodstock Friday's at Abracadabra Coffee Co.
- CSA Application: Spring 2022 (at the time of publication spring is sold out besides Bethal location, Summer is available.)

Honey Field Farm: Norwich, VT
While the ultimate vision for Honey Field Farm, previously Killdeer Farm, is community-centered—think walking trails, a picnic area, playground, beehives—owners Valerie Woodhouse and Eli Hersh are focusing first on nurturing the land. After purchasing the 25-acre farm in 2019, they’re cultivating perennial flowers via their greenhouses and 10-acres of vegetables, maintaining the land’s tradition of sustainable, organic farming.
- CSA seasons: Spring, Summer, and Fall
- CSA structure: 2022 Debit-style Free Choice CSA, Salad Share, the popular Local Meal Kit, and brand new this year Pizza Share, they offer a variety of unique CSA options to meet your family’s specific needs.
- CSA application: Click here
For more information or if you have any questions about CSA membership, email valerie@honeyfieldfarmvt.com or call (802) 649-1500.
CSA Pick up and locations: Farm Stand at 55 Butternut Road, Norwich VT 05055

Crossroad Farm: Fairlee, VT
From selling their harvest from a roadside card table in 1980 to today, Tim and Janet Taylor’s farm has flourished thanks to support from family, the “farm crew,” and the community. Now, with over 40 acres of mixed vegetables, the farm’s scope may have changed, but their commitment to sustainable agriculture and their customers remains unchanged. You can also find beautiful flowers at the farm.
- CSA seasons: Spring, Summer, and Fall
- CSA structure: Credit system in which farm shares are available in the form of discounted, pre-purchased credit in value increments of $100 *Order Between March 1st to April 30th for a 5% discount
- Products: Fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers – Click here
- CSA application: 2022 Season
- Pickup options and locations:
Weekly at the farm: 671 West Fairlee Road, Fairlee, VT
Weekly at the farm stand: 163 Route 5 South, Norwich, VT