Events Vermont Symphony Orchestra

Vermont Symphony Orchestra Summer Festival Tour!
Pack a picnic basket and celebrate the sound of summer in Vermont with the VSO at Suicide Six! This year’s program, “Strike up the Orchestra!” was crafted by guest conductor Sharon Lavery, making her VSO debut. The orchestra showcases the composers who set America to music: Gershwin, Joplin, Bernstein, Copland, and the foremost film composer of our generation, John Williams. VSO Principal Clarinet Kelli O’Connor is our featured soloist in a jazzy concerto written by Artie Shaw. Each concert closes with a dazzling fireworks display accompanying Tchaikovsky’s famous 1812 Overture and the beloved marches of John Philip Sousa.
Gates open at 5:30 pm for picnicking
Concert begins at 7:30 pm
Rain site: Woodstock Union High School, 100 Amsden Way, Woodstock, VT 05091
247 Stage Rd
South Pomfret, VT 05067
United States