The Woodstock Vermont Film Series is thrilled to present “Lost Nation.” Jay Craven’s Revolutionary War-era drama intertwines the stories of larger-than-life, Vermont founding father, Ethan Allen, and the pioneering frontier poet and formerly enslaved woman, Lucy Terry Prince, in their parallel...
BarnArts welcomes Karim Nagi, Egyptian musician and educator, to the Upper Valley Nov. 18-23 as the Fall Global Music Residency Artist. Celebrate his week of school workshops with a public performance Saturday, November 23 at 7pm at North Chapel UU (7 Church St., Woodstock). Tickets are “you choose”...
Celebrate a 19th-century Thanksgiving weekend at Billings Farm. Enjoy family-friendly activities like holiday cooking demos, hands-on pie-making, and crafts for kids. Step into the 1890 Farm Manager’s House to see a traditional Thanksgiving dinner table, featuring dishes like oyster stew, roasted...