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view from back of horse drawn wagon ride traveling through forest with park ranger at the front of the wagon and 5 visitors sitting

Events Forest Festival at Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park


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For details and the full schedule, visit:  

Celebrate the magic of early autumn at Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park, Vermont's only National Park, during our biggest event of the year: Forest Festival in Woodstock on Saturday, September 21 from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. 

Free Entry! Discover a wide array of forestry practices and activities, including:   

  • Portable sawmill demonstrations   
  • Skilled woodworker showcases   
  • Family-friendly crafts and educational games   
  • Timbersports exhibitions   
  • Outreach from local agencies   
  • Guided forest hikes from Park Rangers, forestry professionals, and artists   
  • Mansion Open House - 12:30 pm -2:30 pm 

Enjoy a scenic horse-drawn carriage ride connecting various activity hubs throughout the park. All park programs during Forest Festival are free, and no reservations are needed. Adults and children are welcome!   

Live Music: Bring a blanket or chairs to enjoy live performances in the Pony Pasture:   

  • John McClintock: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm  
  • Ali T: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm   

Arepas and empanadas from Moon & Stars food truck will be available for purchase.   

For details and the full schedule, visit:  

Parking for Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park is located at Billings Farm & Museum, 69 Old River Road, Woodstock, VT 05091. After parking, walk towards the Billings Farm & Museum and take the concrete path to the right of the Visitor Center. Walk up the path, cross Elm St using the cross walk, and take the left fork in the road to walk up a short, steep hill towards the Carriage Barn Visitor Center. 

A small accessible parking area is available next to the mansion for visitors who use mobility devices. There will be an electric golf cart to drive passengers from the Billings Farm & Museum to the festival throughout the day and carriage rides to activity hubs. 


Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park
802-457-3368 ext. 0
Woodworker holding wooden spoon surrounded by wood pieces talks to child
NPS Photo / Stephanie Kyriazis
Woodworker at Forest Festival
three children and one adult are assisted by a park ranger as they decorate walking sticks with yarn
Billings Farm & Museum
Decorating walking sticks at Forest Festival
man in orange safety hat and vest rides pulled by two horses
Billings Farm & Museum
Horse logger at Forest Festival
Wagon pulled by two horses and visitors inside stops for more visitors
Billings Farm & Museum
4 piece string band plays music under a tent while crowd watches in a field
wide shot of field with picnic table and wood fence in foreground and 5 pop up tents in background, people watching live music sitting on chairs and blankets
43.631147, -72.517848

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