Events Film: CHRISTMAS IN CONNECTICUT at Pentangle Arts

Thurs, Dec. 6th at 7:30 pm
Woodstock Town Hall Theatre
Part of Pentangle Arts' Wassail Movie series. While recovering in a hospital, war hero Jefferson Jones (Dennis Morgan) grows familiar with the “Diary of a Housewife” column written by Elizabeth Lane (Barbara Stanwyck). Jeff’s nurse arranges with Elizabeth’s publisher, Alexander Yardley (Sydney Greenstreet), for Jeff to spend the holiday at Elizabeth’s bucolic Connecticut farm with her husband and child. But the column is a sham, so Yardley hastens to arrange a publicity ploy by setting up single, nondomestic Elizabeth on a country farm. Also starring Sydney Greenstreet. Directed by Peter Godfrey.
31 The Green
Woodstock, VT 05091
United States