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Hands holding wool as it is being made into yarn on a spindle.

Events Billings Backyard: Intro to Hand Spinning


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WOOL TO YARN: INTRO TO HAND SPINNING, Sat, April 29, 10:00AM – 11:30AM

Transform the fleece of the Billings Farm Southdown sheep into hand-spun yarn, as fiber arts educator Tiana St. James explores methods of spinning, plying, and more in this introductory workshop. Each participant will have a chance to try spinning on a wheel and receive a drop spindle and some wool to take home. The workshop is $20/person or $15/Billings Farm member. Fee includes materials. Register in advance at


Billings Farm & Museum

Upcoming Events

06 Mar

Toddler Story Time at NWPL

10:30am - 11:30am

Join the NWPL to read a few books on a theme of the week. Enjoy stories, socializing, and often a project tied into the theme. For young children ages 20 months – 3 1/2 years. Duration: 30-60 minutes.

06 Mar

Frigg in Concert at Woodstock Town Hall Theater

7:30pm - 9:30pm

Come enjoy a performance by Frigg, the Nordic folk sensation, as part of the Vermont After Hours Series presented by Pentangle Arts On their Spring 2025 tour, Frigg will perform new tracks from their recently released album, along with a comprehensive selection of cornerstone pieces from their...

07 Mar

That's Amore! Pizza and Calzone Cooking Class

6:30pm - 9:30pm

Have fun creating your own pizzas! Though award-winning Chef Ted can teach you almost anything food related, for this event he leads a hands-on pizza and calzone class. You’ll learn how to: make fresh dough make shells for later use treat toppings make sauce fashion a calzone grill a pizza, weather...

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