October 19, 21, 23, 2020
12-6 PM: This'll give 'em pumpkin to talk about! Enter the Norman Williams Public Library’s Pumpkin Decorating Contest by leaving your pumpkins (10-inches or less, carved or painted, no templates or stencils) at the circulation desk.
October 24, 2020
11 AM - 11:45 AM and 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM: Swoop over to VINS in Quechee to meet live birds and learn all about their colorful costumes: their feathers, during your choice of two time-frames as part of the Bird Costume Contest! Then, stick around till the end for a parade featuring your own costumed kiddos.
12-6 PM: Cast a vote for your favorite pumpkin decoration at Norman Williams Public Library until the winners are announced on October 30 at 5 PM on the NWPL website! First and second place winners will receive a boxed set of the Chronicles of Narnia.

5:30-8 PM: During Hoots & Howls at VINS, you'll join social-distancing-friendly groups of 12 or less for a guided tour through fun, fright-free stations featuring puppets, storytelling, science, and glowing jack-o-lanterns in the forest canopy! Registration required, costumes encouraged! Click here to learn more about reserving a space and other Halloween-themed activities.
October 25, 2020
10 AM - 4 PM: Get ready for A Family Halloween at Billings Farm & Museum! Pumpkin bowling, a costume parade, hayrides, spider web necklace making, storytelling, trick-or-treating candy stations, a pumpkin carving contest, sweet treats (think cider, donuts, and pumpkin ice cream!) - the list of festivities goes on and on at the farm! And best of all, costumed children are admitted for free when accompanied by a ticketed adult at this socially-spaced Family Halloween. Click the link for the full schedule and details.

October 31, 2020
Although there won't be trick-or-treating on High Street this year, there are plenty of frightfully fun activities to enjoy, including...
11 AM: Halloween Fun at Artistree means pumpkin carving, a costume parade, crafty tricks, and delicious treats are just the beginning at this outdoor celebration of the spookiest season in nearby South Pomfret! But please pre-register, as space is limited!
11 AM - 11:45 AM and 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM: Birds of a feather flock together on All Hallows' Eve - during the Bird Costume Contests at VINS! There, attendees young and old will learn about the shapes, sizes, and colors of the natural costume of our avian friends—their feathers—during a program featuring live birds! Then, show off your own creative costume during a parade at the end of the program.