- Friday – Combined Test
- Saturday & Sunday – Combined Driving Event
The CDE (Combined Driving Event) is modeled after the Three Day Event, which tests the overall condition and versatility of the horse in sport. Major competitions are usually held over three days: day 1) Driven Dressage; day 2) Cross Country Marathon; day 3) Cones Driving Competition. Penalty points are incurred in each of the above phases and the winner is the entry who accumulates the fewest points. The first CDE in the USA was held in New Brunswick, NJ, in the early to mid 1970’s.
GMHA offers a two day CDE. Day 1) Competitors complete their Driven Dressage directly followed by Cones Driving. Day 2) The Marathon day! This event is fast paced and exciting! Certainly not to be missed!
Camping on-site is available. You must be a GMHA Member.